VB-135 3rd Aleutian tour, August 1945
Aircrafts BuNo and movement
Format: BuNo, Squadron Code (R=replacement), Date moved out of the Squadron, Destination, Remarks
Click on thumbnail to expand the photo
30 July
The first three PV-2 planes returned from the modification center to Whidbey NAS
4 August
The first three PV-2 aircraft of VPB-135 departed Whidbey Island NAS for Attu
7 August
Administrative command of VPB-135 shifted from FAW6 to FAW4.
12 August
The last PV-2 of VPB-135 left Whidbey Island NAS for Attu. Indoctrination of the crews started on August 14.
18 August
First operational flights of VPB-135 and VPB-122
23V Holloway
25V Rumford
29V Mason
20 August
24V Walsh
31V Wesley
21 August
23V Gardner
24V Marchi
22 August
The last plane arrived to Attu from Whidbey Island NAS
22V Pirtle
28V Reilley
23 August
23V Patteson flew 550 miles on outbound leg due to navigational error
24V Garrison
24 August
25V Stepter
28V McLeod turned to base early due to bad compass and malfunction in the cross feed in the fuel system


Planes of VPB-135
Click on the photo to zoom. Navigate with arrows.